Weekly Tue SAFRA Run @ Labrador Loop
Because there was a curry fish-head dinner prepared by Akira, a Japanese runner, we decided to do a short one to Labroador Park. We planned to be back to Clubhouse by 8pm.
We started of at about 7pm, once the relatively small group had assembled. The lady runners were still not back in full force yet. Chairman and Foo were noticeably absent too.
Anyway, my plan was to cover 3 loops around the Labrador Park, making a total run of about 10km. Each small circuit within Labrador Park is 800m, and 3 loops around it will make 2.4km. Add that to the 7.6km to and from the Park, and it makes for a good 10km distance.
As usual, I went ahead pretty soon, and very soon I was just behind Derek and Kumaran. Upon entry into the road leading to Labrador Park, I overtook Kumaran and followed Derek for a good distance till I lost him after 2 loops round the Park. In the Park, we met one of the Toa Payoh runners, and said hi.
I went on to cover about 2.6km in 15min, including a small water break after 2 loops. Met Wong and Evelyn on the way out, and ran past Hock Soon too. On the way back, I was mostly alone, and at the last stretch along Telok Blangah Rd, 'Bumblebee' runner caught up with me and raced me for about 100m to the home stretch. I pipped him to the finish at the last 20m, or maybe he just let me go. He is definitely a much stronger and faster runner than I, and he is at least 10 years younger too.
I finished the 10km run in 50:20min, catering for stops at traffic junctions. Quite a good time, since the stretch is a little hilly for the last 1-2km.
We then went to Akira's house to have a great curry fish-head dinner. I contributed the drinks, while Adam bought soya sauce chiken. Kenny contributed to a nice fruit plate. We had a enjoyable moonlit dinner, and left at 10:30pm.
Distance Ran:10km_____Time:50m20s_____Pace:5:02min/km
Average HR:155bpm_____Max HR:169bpm_____KCal:655

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