Sunday, May 18, 2008

2 weeks to Sundown

Was feeling under the weather this week, with a sore and coarse throat this weekend. Fortunately, it is tapering period for Sundown 84km on don't need too many hard runs nor high mileage. Went down to SAFRA MF this morning for a 20km regular run that turned out to be so HOT that we nearly melted midway.

The route along Buona Vista 99-winding Road, leading into the NUS slopes sapped loads of energy from me. Worse was my dry throat made worse from the high intake of air because of my 'blocked nose'. After 1hr20min of hard run, I decided to take a breather at the top of Kent Ridge Park, only to meet up with Ultraman who was not too familiar with the route.

To avoid more of the heat, I suggested to Ultra to take a shorter and more shady route along the new HortPark, and then back along Depot Road. There were lots of visitors to the HortPark, and parking was a real issue for many. Colleen, William, DO and a few others went for a recce of part of the Southern Ridges, which we will do on Vesak Day tomorrow. Finally covered about 20km in 2hr total time....very drained of water. Had a good coffee session at Ya Kun, and discussions centered around final packing and preparations for the Ultimate Race...The Sundown Ultra-Marathon. Tapering and Carbo-loading will go into serious gear from today!

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